The College Honors Program is rooted in interdisciplinary approaches to learning that are “hands on” (experiential); that help students establish meaningful connections among the various components of their undergraduate careers (integrative); and that enable students to showcase their interests, abilities, and accomplishments (illustrative).
Toward empowering students to thrive in an increasingly complex global world, the College Honors Program also helps facilitate ways of being that foster inclusivity, self-awareness, curiosity, independence, resilience, generosity, and distinctiveness as well as habits of doing that emphasize collaboration, creativity, and innovation.
The overarching objectives of the College Scholars Program are to:
create a stimulating and nurturing learning community that encourages students to take ownership of their learning, transcend foundational disciplinary knowledge and skill development, and demonstrate expertise and abilities beyond those that are necessarily inherent to completing traditional baccalaureate degree programs.
embrace inclusive excellence, where students’ developmental needs and dynamic ways of thinking are respected and supported; individual differences are celebrated; and academics, work, and life are interconnected in productive and meaningful ways; and
engage students in developing inner qualities and personal habits that can enrich their capacities to live purposeful lives; cope with life’s inherent uncertainties and discontinuities; and serve well their communities, our society, and the world at large.
Continuing UCLA students (whether they entered UCLA directly from high school or as a transfer student) may earn the College Honors designation on their transcript and diploma by fulfilling these requirements:
entered UCLA directly from high school
entered UCLA as a transfer student
Continuing UCLA students are first eligible to apply to join the College Honors Program in June of the year they complete their first full year of UCLA studies.
Each June, applications are also accepted from students who are completing their second or third year at UCLA.
Each summer, College Honors students’ records are reviewed holistically to determine their eligibility to continue in the program.